Research to Commercialisation Programme (R2C)

The program supports research-based institutions commercialise innovations through
an accelerator program and a cascaded ToT’s (training for trainers) who run R2C
programs in their institutions to reach more innovators.

The program is funded by the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office through the
Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA) Fund and implemented by ViKtoria
Ventures in partnership with Kenya National Innovation Agency. The R2C Accelerator is
designed to fortify the commercialisation process within Kenyan universities and
research centres, to enhance researchers’ capacity and institutional
capability in taking research outputs to market.

Program Elements

The Accelerator Program includes training, industry visits, coaching, funding and
commercialization support. We are currently in the 4th Cohort. Find out more about the
innovators and their innovations here.

Institutional Support: includes training for ToTs (trainers of trainers), Vice Chancellors’
Training, Policy review and Innovation Fund support. We have so far run 5 cohorts.

Our Impact

Our Partners
